I.C.E. - Truck fleet available for fast delivery
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Contact us Today!
Phone: 610-740-5840

Contact Interstate Courier Express for your courier & freight service needs in Lehigh Valley, PA & beyond!

Anyone in the office will be delighted to help you, but for special services contact:

President's Office
Scott Williamson - scott@ice-1.net

Scott Williamson - sales@ice-1.net

Customer Support/Dispatch/Operations
Kyle Williamson & Nicole Weber dispatch@ice-1.net

Customer Service/Accts. Receivable
Tom McKeever - tom@ice-1.net

Human Resources/Insurance/Compliance
Cheryle F. Williamson -admin@ice-1.net

General Information
Administration - admin@ice-1.net

CALL US TODAY! Find out how to save even more money!


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